It's been quiet here the past 2 months. Once again Real Life came to play and hasn't left yet. For those of you who follow me on twitter, thank you for your compassion and support these few months, you made us feel better ;)
In the beginning of December DH fell at work and broke his elbow, which was painfull and inconvenient for him, but he needed little help and after a week the cast was removed and it healed very well, some physical therapy and it would all be okay.
I actually enjoyed having him around all day but when I told my friend Anne that, I probably jinxed it.
The same day (this was the Thursday befor x-mas) he came down the stairs and missed the last step.... To avoid falling on his elbow he fell a bit stange and broke his knee cap. We spent the rest of the evening at the ER, where they eventually told us that he needed surgery to put all the pieces back together, for now they would put his leg in a cast and we needed to call the next day to schedule the surgery. Off you go.....
So how the h*ll am I suppose to get him home? I asked nicely.... a nurse helped me to get him in the car, which wasn't easy, DH isn't a small man and with his leg in a cast from ankle to groin, moving wasn't easy. But we managed....
We cancelled all our plans for the hollidays and we spend x-mas by watching all Harry Potter movies (8) with the kids. DS read all books and kept informing us of all the stuff that wasn't in the movies ;)
On the last friday of the year DH 's knee was puzzled together and he was allowed to go home the same day, before he had little pain and he could "walk" upstairs to our bedroom, but now his cast wasn't much supportive and he had a lot pain we decided to go camping in the livingroom. The kids love it ;)
In the beginning of January they took again xrays to see how it healed, his knee cap has shifted a bit up. If that makes a difference for using his knee fully they can't tell, we have to wait till after his physical therapy starts. They gave him a new cast for another 5 weeks. Feb 9 they're going to remove the cast and therapy will start. Now it slowly is getting better he can now lift his leg from the bed by himself and doesn't require my help for everything. Which means that when I forget to feed him he can make a sandwich by himself ;)
You can imagine that this didn't left much time for me to work. I was glad that I only had 2 deadline projects for The Knitter and that I didn't had big shows to go to (last 1 of the year was just before he broke his elbow) So I spend a lot of time sitting in a chair next to him knitting on the secret projects and I dyed a lot of yarn...... yes you read that correctly I'm dyeing my own yarn now. Some of you allready saw it at the handwerkbeurs in Rotterdam but that's for another blogpost ;)
Slowly life is returning to normal again and though it will take prob months before DH can walk again we make the best of it...... and he kindly is helping me count supplies for my next show ;)
The kids love having him around all day ;)