My website is another tale without end.... Because I'm now also selling knitting kits I wanted a website which could intergrate my download patterns, yarn, knitting kits and also be bi-langual. I won't bore you with all the details just think of me cursing and throwing things around.... Hopefully I'll get a message from my web designer that I can start listing my products today.
On top of this I have 2 deadlines coming up 1 for Yarn Forward Magazine and 1 for The Knitter, the patterns are almost done writing, but the knitting will be a challenge :) I allready told DH "Next time I submit 5 designs all on 3-3.5mm needles, please shoot me" :) The only thing I find difficult about designing for magazines is that I can't show you anything, so let me introduce you to another design currently in the test knitting and tech-editing fase a lacey beret called Audria
- Writing pattern and charts
- Making preps for testknitting, if you want to test-knit keep an eye on my twitter (Leen002) or facebook (Marleen van der Vorst) account. I always post there as soon as I post on the Free Pattern Testers Group on Ravelry.
- And knit, knit, knit.....still need to do 60 rounds almost 15000 sts
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